Girl Scouts of Maine has a small amount of financial assistance, called camperships, set aside to help families who need it to send their girl to camp. All girls registered for camp may apply for a Girl Scouts of Maine campership–another great reason to be a registered Girl Scout!
To ensure all girls can benefit from the transformative experience of Girl Scout Camp, Girl Scouts of Maine makes financial aid (camperships) available for all girls (age 17 and under), to partially or fully cover the cost of camp tuition. Camperships can be requested through our online registration system, by completing the campership application after registering for camp. Families are expected to pay a $40 deposit per session upon registration.
Camperships are not available for troop or mini-camps. Through the Girl Scouts Product Programs and money-earning activities, it is the expectation that troops work together to earn the necessary funds for troop and mini-camps.