Camp | Girl Scouts of Maine
Were you ever a Girl Scout (where/how many years)? I was a campfire girl first and then our leader decided to switch to Girl Scouts, and I was in Girl Scouts for 2 years as a Junior. Mrs. Busby was my troop leader.

Did you attend a summer camp when you were young? I only attended one summer at Camp TexLake (at the time part of the Lonestar Council).

How long have you been with the Girl Scouts of Maine? September of 2001
Favorite part of being a summer camp director? Best job on the planet! Hard to pick one thing, but I would have to say it is the community and connection we share. My favorite thing is making Friday pancakes for all the campers and staff.

What is the most important thing you feel girls get or learn at Girl Scout Camp? Community and belonging. Trying new things and returning home more confident. I love that campers call camp home and count the days till they can return.

What are the top two most popular camp activities? Campfire and waterfront time.

What are some additions or improvements you would like to see happen at our camps? In the future, I would like to see electricity in the center of Camp Pondicherry and add more sports to our program; Natarswi, more trip programs, and low ropes programs.

Do you have a favorite story that you like to share about Girl Scout Camp (funny or heartwarming)? So many memories, but the last night of summer camp, we always have a campfire and sing all the songs. Then we go down to the waterfront with our wishing boats, we make wishes and wish all our campers a wonderful summer, then we set the boat afloat. We sing Look of Katahdin’s Head (written by a camper) and Barges.

Every year after the campers depart, I would go in the water to collect the boats, hoping they don’t go too far, and usually end up wet because I trip over Turtle Rock. Everyone has a good laugh that I’m all wet.
Just for fun:
Your favorite outdoor activity?
Archery and horseback riding
Favorite animal native to Maine? Loon
Favorite Maine season? Summer
Favorite camp food? S'mores pockets
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