Behind every Girl Scout and volunteer is a team of local staff ready to help them earn that next badge, embark on a camping adventure, or organize an impactful service project. That’s what a Girl Scout council is. We are here to maintain camp properties, provide local Girl Scouts skill-building workshops and resources to achieve whatever they can dream up.
Over 5,000 girls from across the state are reaching their fullest potential with Girl Scouts of Maine. Our girls are discovering what’s important to them, connecting with their community, and taking action to make the world a better place.
With the help of over 3,000 volunteers, we are creating adventures, learning opportunities, and future leaders at our camps, two service centers, and with dedicated community partners.
We believe in the power of girls! From her first troop sleepover over with her very best friends to hiking Mount Katahdin to designing her own adventure—our girls find the sparkle that makes them special. We think that’s pretty cool.
We connect over 8,000 members across 35,385 square miles in this great state of Maine, girls and adults who are experiencing new adventures every single day and building friendships that last a lifetime.
We get involved in our communities. Hundreds of service projects are completed each year! Our girls and volunteers change the world through small acts of kindness and BIG ideas that make a lasting impact. Serving meals at a community soup kitchen, collecting items for local shelters and singing holiday carols to bring cheer to elders are regular aspirations for our girls.
We value diversity and inclusiveness. Girl Scouts does not discriminate on any basis, including age, race, ethnicity, religion, and disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We serve economically disadvantaged populations and reach out to remote areas and urban centers. We have special programs to serve immigrant populations, and have the ability to serve those with special needs.
Imagine joining a group of individuals—each with their own unique skills and passions, but united by a common purpose.